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Our Top 5 evergreen Hedging

Our Top 5 evergreen Hedging

Beautiful evergreen hedging makes a great living investment and has many impressive benefits. From year round screening and privacy to noise reduction, evergreen hedging is the perfect choice for your garden if you are looking for shelter 365 days a year.

Heres why we love evergreen hedging:

  • Evergreen hedging forms a permanent boundary with continuous year-round privacy.
  • Many hedges have handsome, glossy or shiny foliage which makes a great backdrop to plantings . 
  • Lots of evergreen hedges are highly resistant to pests and diseases, making them easy to care for once established.
  • Once established, most evergreen hedges are resistant to summer heat and winter cold. 
  • Evergreen hedging is far more durable than wooden fence panels to high winds.  
  • Hedges help the environment, by helping to capture particulates and reduce noise pollution. 
  • They can help mitigate flooding, especially in urban areas. 
  • There are evergreen hedging plants to suit any garden, regardless of size, style or location. 

Here are our top five choices. 

Looking to choose the best evergreen hedging for your garden? We have pulled together a shortlist of our 5 favourites. Available to buy with free nationwide delivery available.

Taxus baccata (Yew)

Taxus baccata (Yew) is the king of hedges. Tough, dense and amazingly long lived, yew can be clipped with precision for the sharpest, tightest boundary, be it 1m or 4m tall. Its fine dark foliage serves as a perfect foil to planting and will grow from old wood. Taxus baccata is a very easy and quick to grow hedge once established.

Portugese Laurel (Prunus lusitanica (Angustifolia)

Prunus lusitanicaAngustifolia(Portugese laurel) has handsome, glossy, dark foliage with dense growth gives this hedge immediate appeal. Add to this its sprays of white spring flowers, an easy-going constitution that allows close trimming, and a plant that stands pollution and periods of drought, we think Prunus lusitanica is a winner for any style of garden. 

Prunus laurocerasus ‘Rotundifolia’ (Cherry laurel) forms an impressive, rather bold hedge with its smooth, shining, rounded foliage, this cherry laurel is a vigorous and tough choice, suitable especially for a large hedge to around 4m high – although we find it may also be kept successfully dense at around 1.5m high. Prunus laurocerasus ‘Rotundifolia’ is easy, durable, can be cut back hard and has the added bonus of spikes of pollinator-attracting white flowers in spring if trimming is relaxed. 

Ilex ‘Nellie R. Stevens’ (Holly) makes both an ornamental and practical hedge. While not as prickly as common holly, the dark green, oval leaves bear three spines which, when combined with its dense habit, make for a seriously impregnable hedge once established. A clone of holly raised from cuttings, Ilex ‘Nellie R. Stevens’ will form a consistent and even hedge; flowers and berries may be produced if pruning allows. 

Thuja plicata ‘Atrovirens’ is helpfully quick growing, and for a conifer hedge reasonably forgiving of quite hard pruning after the odd missed trim, northern white cedar will form a dense, easily-grown rather handsome boundary or screen. Its attractive foliage is held in sprays and glossy green with a silvery tinge beneath; we love the pineapple scent you get from Thuja plicata ‘Atrovirens’ after trimming it too. 

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